Stay Safe: What To Do When Severe Thunderstorms Happen?

Saturday, August 31, 2024  Read time5 min

SAEDNEWS: Stay This blog post provides essential information on severe thunderstorm watches and warnings, outlining safety precautions to protect yourself and your family during storms, including what to do in case of a tornado.

Stay Safe: What To Do When Severe Thunderstorms Happen?

According to SAEDNEWS, As severe thunderstorms approach, it’s essential to understand the warning signs and how to protect yourself and your family. Thunderstorms can bring heavy rainfall, large hail, damaging winds, and even tornadoes, which can create dangerous situations. Here, we’ll break down what you need to know about thunderstorm watches and warnings, safety tips to keep you safe during the storm, and what to do if a tornado is spotted.

Severe Thunderstorm Watch

A Severe Thunderstorm Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms to form in your area. It means that severe weather is possible, but not guaranteed. Here are some important things to do during a watch:

- Stay Informed: Use your NOAA weather radio to receive broadcasts, or monitor local radio and television channels for updates whenever a watch is issued. Many news channels and weather apps also provide real-time alerts.

- Be Prepared: This is the time to prepare your home and family for possible severe weather. Review your safety plan and discuss it with your family members. Go through your emergency kit to ensure you have everything you need, including water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit.

- Secure Loose Items: Strong winds can turn outdoor objects like furniture, toys, and garden decorations into dangerous projectiles. Secure or bring inside any items that could be tossed around by the wind.

Severe Thunderstorm Warning

A Severe Thunderstorm Warning means that a severe thunderstorm has been detected by radar or reported by reliable sources, and it poses an immediate threat to your area. Here’s how to respond:

- Take Immediate Action: If the warning includes your neighborhood or workplace, it's time to seek shelter right away. Do not ignore the warning or assume it won’t affect you; severe thunderstorms can escalate quickly.

- Know the Potential Threats: Severe thunderstorms can produce dangerous conditions, including large hail that can cause injury and damage, strong winds that can lead to broken trees and downed power lines, intense rain that might cause localized flooding, and even tornadoes. Treat this warning with the same seriousness as you would a tornado warning—act quickly and carefully.

Safety Tips During a Thunderstorm

Staying safe during a thunderstorm is crucial. The best course of action is to find a safe space inside. Here are detailed safety tips to follow:

1. Stay Indoors: If possible, remain inside a sturdy building. Avoid commuter types of shelter such as pavilions or outdoor tents as they do not provide adequate protection.

2. Avoid Windows: High winds can shatter windows. Stay away from glass and move to an interior room, preferably one without windows.

3. Avoid Electrical and Water Lines: Stay clear of electrical equipment, appliances, and plumbing fixtures such as sinks and bathtubs, as lightning can strike electrical lines and cause power surges or even fires.

4. Secure Your Pets: Bring your pets indoors as well. They can get scared and run away during a storm, so keeping them close is vital.

5. Postpone Outdoor Activities: If you had plans to be outside, wait for the storm to pass. High winds and hail can be dangerous, even during brief storm episodes.

6. Understand the Situation: If you’re caught outside and cannot reach shelter, try to find a hard-top vehicle and remain inside it until the storm passes. Keep your head below the windows and avoid touching any metal parts that could conduct electricity.

7. Get Out of Water: If you are near bodies of water, such as lakes or rivers, get out immediately, as they can attract lightning and currents can become dangerous in heavy rain.

8. Listen for Updates: Keep your phone charged and stay tuned to weather alerts to know when the storm has passed and it is safe to go outside.

What to Do If a Tornado is Spotted

If a tornado is spotted or a tornado warning is issued, it’s critical to act quickly:

- Head to the Lowest Level: Move to the basement or a small, windowless interior room on the lowest floor. The more walls you can place between yourself and the outside, the better.

- Protect Yourself: If you are in a basement, cover yourself with heavy blankets, a mattress, or even a helmet to shield against debris. If you are in a room where you cannot find adequate protection, crouch down and cover your head and neck with your arms.

- Avoid Doors and Windows: Stay away from doors and windows, as flying debris can shatter glass and cause serious injury.

- Stay Informed: Listen for emergency updates on your weather radio or mobile device. Track the storm's progression and wait for the "all clear" signal before leaving your shelter.

Prepare Ahead of Time

Preparation is key to staying safe during severe thunderstorms. Here are some additional steps you can take in advance:

- Create an Emergency Kit: Make sure you have a well-stocked emergency kit that includes essentials like water, food, first-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, a whistle, and local maps.

- Develop a Family Emergency Plan: Talk to your family about what to do in case of a severe storm or tornado. Plan where to go for shelter, how to stay in touch, and what items to take with you.

- Know Your Routes: Familiarize yourself with the safest routes to your designated shelter locations. If you are out and about, make sure you know where nearby shelters are located.

Conclusion: Safety First

Severe thunderstorms can be frightening, but understanding what to do can help keep you and your loved ones safe. Stay informed about weather conditions, take warnings seriously, and always prioritize your safety. By preparing in advance and knowing how to respond during a storm, you can protect yourself from the dangers that thunderstorms can bring.

Remember, storms typically pass quickly, often in less than an hour. With a little preparation and awareness, you can weather the storm safely. Stay safe and stay informed!
