Senior Cleric Declares Unprecedented Participation in Arbaeen Procession

Saturday, August 24, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The provisional Leader of Tehran Friday Prayers says that says that the participation of millions of people in the Arbaeen procession is unprecedented in the history.

Senior Cleric Declares Unprecedented Participation in Arbaeen Procession

According to SAEDNEWS, During the Friday prayers sermon, Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi, the provisional Leader of Tehran Friday Prayers, highlighted the historic scale of participation in this year’s Arbaeen procession, stating it is "unprecedented in the history."

Sedighi emphasized the spiritual significance of the pilgrimage, saying, "It is not us who are going to Karbala, it is Imam Hussein who is taking us to Karbala. Even if we didn't go, our hearts are there."

In his address, he also expressed gratitude towards the Iraqi people and security forces for their hospitality towards the Arbaeen pilgrims and their efforts in ensuring safe passage throughout the event.

Additionally, Sedighi spoke about the recent elections following the martyrdom of the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi, wishing the newly formed Iranian government success in its mission to serve the nation.