Sarah Paulson Opens Up About The Movies She Just Can’t Bring Herself to Watch!

Saturday, August 10, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The actress’ friend Pedro Pascal keeps trying to make her watch horror movies.

Sarah Paulson Opens Up About The Movies She Just Can’t Bring Herself to Watch!

According to SAEDNEWS, In an interview with People magazine, actress Sarah Paulson opened up about her relationship with horror movies—a genre she works in but finds too terrifying to watch. As she gears up for the release of her latest supernatural horror film, Hold Your Breath, Paulson revealed her aversion to viewing scary films, despite her impressive track record in the genre.

“I’m such a ninny when it comes to horror stuff,” the 49-year-old actress admitted. Her confession highlights a surprising truth: even for someone with her talent and experience, horror movies can provoke an overwhelming sense of fear.

Paulson shared that her friend and fellow actor Pedro Pascal often tries to coax her into watching horror flicks, but to no avail. “He’s always trying to get me to go see scary movies,” she said with a chuckle, recounting how Pascal urged her to check out Hereditary, particularly highlighting Toni Collette’s acclaimed performance in the 2018 film. Yet, she remained resolute in her fear: “There’s no way I am going to see that movie,” she recalled telling him.

It seems that her friends are persistent in their suggestions, eager for her to experience other hit horror franchises like The Conjuring. “I love Vera Farmiga, and it’s like… I just can’t do it,” Paulson added, showcasing her admiration for fellow actors while acknowledging her limits.

Paulson's honesty reflects the unique tension many artists face: a desire to learn from their peers while grappling with personal fears. “I wish I could see it and steal everything that you’re doing and pass it off as my own invention, but I just can’t do it,” she explained, emphasizing her respect for the talent in the horror genre while maintaining her boundaries.

For fans eager to see Paulson’s latest work, Hold Your Breath will be available for streaming on Hulu starting October 3. Despite her fears, there's no doubt that her contributions to horror films continue to resonate with audiences.