Russian Premier: Moscow and Beijing as Pillars of a New World Order

Thursday, August 22, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin stated that Moscow and Beijing are "a stabilizing factor" in shaping a new world order. His remarks came during the 29th regular meeting of the Chinese and Russian heads of government, attended by Chinese Premier Li Qiang.

Russian Premier: Moscow and Beijing as Pillars of a New World Order

According to SAEDNEWS, Mishustin emphasized the importance of the comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction between Russia and China, particularly as the outlines of a new global structure are being drawn. "In these conditions, the Russia-China link acts as a powerful stabilizing factor," he remarked, as reported by Anadolu Agency.

During the discussions, Mishustin highlighted how the collaboration between the two nations contributes positively to economic growth and enhances the quality of life for their citizens. He underscored that it is the responsibility of both governments to ensure that the decisions made by their heads of state are effective "for years to come."

Noting the success of their economic relationship, Mishustin stated, "Last year, Russian-Chinese trade turnover increased by 23%, breaking another record by exceeding 20 trillion rubles, or 1.6 trillion yuan." He also pointed out the strengthening energy partnership and advancing industrial cooperation between the two countries.

Moreover, the Russian Premier outlined aims to boost agricultural exports to China, stressing the need for reliable transport and logistics corridors to enhance economic collaboration. He mentioned the potential for joint endeavors along the Northern Sea Route (NSR)—a vital 5,600-kilometer (3,500-mile) shipping route that connects the Kara Strait to Cape Dezhnyov.

Mishustin criticized Western countries for using sanctions under questionable pretenses as a means of maintaining "global dominance" while restricting the economic and technological progress of Russia and China. He called for a concentrated effort to "protect our common interests, build a multipolar world order, and increase coordination at international venues."

In response, Premier Li Qiang expressed satisfaction with the progress made in bilateral cooperation, noting that Russian-Chinese relations have achieved "high-quality development" under the leadership of their respective heads of state. He added, "We are fully confident in the further deepening of multifaceted mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries," underscoring the stability and vitality of their partnership established through 30 years of annual meetings.

Li Qiang arrived in Moscow on Tuesday for a three-day official visit, signaling a commitment to deepening the collaboration between the two nations as they navigate their roles in a changing global landscape.