Iraqi Resistance Launches Strike on Key Israeli Military Site

Wednesday, August 21, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has carried out new operations against a vital Israeli military site.

Iraqi Resistance Launches Strike on Key Israeli Military Site

According to SAEDNEWS, The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has conducted significant operations against a critical Israeli military installation, targeting the site located in the strategically important area of Umm al-Rashrash, also known as Eilat.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the umbrella group of resistance factions emphasized that the strike was executed not only as a show of strength but also in solidarity with the Palestinian people, particularly in response to Israel's ongoing "genocidal war" in Gaza.

The Iraqi resistance has made it clear that it will continue its operations against Israel as long as the violence in Gaza persists. Regional resistance groups have increasingly focused their efforts on sensitive Israeli military sites throughout the occupied territories, as well as American installations in Iraq and Syria, in light of intensified discontent regarding U.S. support for Israel amid the ongoing conflict.

The conflict in Gaza has escalated to catastrophic levels, with reports indicating that over 40,000 Palestinians, chiefly women and children, have lost their lives as a result of the violence inflicted by Israeli forces.

Additionally, just the previous Sunday, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq initiated operations against Israeli military targets in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, reaffirming their commitment to supporting the Palestinian cause against what they describe as Israeli massacres of innocent civilians.

It's noteworthy that nearly 2,500 American troops are stationed in Iraq and approximately 900 in Syria under the guise of a counter-terrorism effort against Daesh. However, their continued presence has not gone unnoticed amid the intensifying rhetoric and actions from various Arab nations and resistance factions against Israel's policies.

As tensions rise, the focal point on military engagements reflects a broader strategy by resistance forces to unify against perceived aggression and support for Palestine in its fight for sovereignty and peace.