Iranian President Advocates National Unity to Combat Foreign Sanctions

Wednesday, August 28, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian has said that maintaining national unity and keeping people happy with the government policies is the best way to defeat the oppressive US and EU sanctions.

Iranian President Advocates National Unity to Combat Foreign Sanctions

According to SAEDNEWS, In a recent meeting with Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian emphasized that fostering national unity and ensuring public satisfaction with government policies are crucial strategies for overcoming oppressive U.S. and EU sanctions. His remarks underline a critical approach as Iran navigates ongoing economic pressures.

President Pezeshkian articulated his views during a gathering with members of his cabinet, stating, "If unity is achieved inside the country and among the Islamic Ummah, the United States, Europe and other countries that cruelly support the crimes of the genocidal Zionist regime will fail." This statement reflects the Iranian government's commitment to rallying internal support against external adversaries.

Highlighting the importance of government accountability, Pezeshkian noted, "The people's satisfaction with the officials depends on their behavior with the people," reiterating that officials must conduct themselves with fairness and respect towards citizens. This assertion underscores the administration’s focus on improving relations between the government and the populace.

Additionally, the president pledged that he and his cabinet would serve the Iranian people to the best of their abilities, referring to government officials as "servants of the people." This orientation aims to strengthen the government’s connection to the citizenry during challenging times.

Pezeshkian also outlined a roadmap for enhancing the country’s foreign relations, urging ambassadors and diplomats to prioritize national interests, particularly in trade and economic sectors, by supporting Iranian merchants and exporters. He affirmed that his administration would be guided by the three principles outlined by the leader: "dignity," "wisdom," and "expediency," as it navigates international relations.

As Iran faces significant economic challenges, President Pezeshkian’s emphasis on unity and principled governance signifies an approach focused on resilience and solidarity in the face of adversity. The administration’s ability to maintain internal cohesion will be crucial as the country seeks to adapt to ongoing sanctions and their impact on everyday life.