Iran's Bagheri Kani Urges Stronger Collaboration with Sudan on Gaza Crisis

Tuesday, July 30, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The Iranian Acting Foreign Minister called for the strengthening of consensus and synergy between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Sudan at the international level in dealing with the crimes in Gaza.

Iran's Bagheri Kani Urges Stronger Collaboration with Sudan on Gaza Crisis

According to SAEDNEWS, The Acting Foreign Minister of Iran passionately advocated for a deepening of understanding and collaboration between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Sudan on a global stage, particularly in addressing the humanitarian crises unfolding in Gaza.

Sudan's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hussein Awad, made a journey to Tehran to attend the prestigious inauguration ceremony of the new president of Iran. During his visit, he engaged in crucial discussions with Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Bagheri, where they explored avenues for further harmonization and partnership between their nations, recognizing the shared challenges impacting both countries and the broader Islamic community.

Bagheri eloquently spoke out against the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza, urging for a unified front in condemning these egregious war crimes and genocide while strongly advocating for the protection of the vulnerable Palestinian population.

The esteemed Sudanese diplomat shared his genuine satisfaction regarding his second visit to Tehran in just two months, underscoring the dedicated efforts of his nation's prominent officials in fostering and expanding relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran as a valued ally.

Moreover, he emphatically expressed Sudan's unwavering readiness and eagerness to engage in comprehensive cooperation and robust interaction with Iran at an international level, affirming mutual support and solidarity between the two nations.