Iran and South Korea Are Very Similar, Explore 10 Viral Similarities!

Monday, August 26, 2024  Read time4 min

SAEDNEWS: Explore the fascinating cultural, historical, and social similarities between Iran and South Korea, from shared legends and marriage customs to culinary delights and education.

Iran and South Korea Are Very Similar, Explore 10 Viral Similarities!

According to SAEDNEWS, Iran and South Korea may be geographically distant, but their cultural and historical similarities are truly remarkable. Delving into their rich legacies reveals fascinating overlaps that tell us much about their societies. From ancient historical connections and shared legends to common social practices, these countries have much in common. In this blog post, we will explore various aspects that highlight the similarities between Iran and South Korea.

1. Historical Similarities

Looking back at history, we discover that both Iran and South Korea have intriguing pasts that involve strong leadership and complex power dynamics. In ancient Korea, especially during the Goryeo and Joseon dynasties, government officials held significant sway over the nation's decisions, often overshadowing the symbolic roles of the kings. Similarly, in Iran, monarchs also contended with a balance of power that went beyond their royal courts, where queens and mothers often played influential roles. The narratives of courtly influence in both countries showcase a shared history of power dynamics that transcend geography.

2. Common Historical Legends

Both cultures share historical legends that connect them across time. An excellent example is found in the "Kushanama," written during Korea's Chosan period. This literary work presents the tale of Fereydon and Zahhak, blending Iranian and Korean elements and emphasizing Korea's role in the victorious struggle against Zahhak. These legends not only enthrall readers but also unveil profound cultural ties that have endured through time, establishing a bridge between the two societies.

3. Similar Wars

Examining their histories reveals a shared experience of conflict in both Iran and Korea. Korea's past includes Japanese colonization and the subsequent civil war between North and South Korea, while Iran has endured long conflicts with neighboring nations. Both countries have demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of adversity, finding strength and unity in their collective struggles. These experiences further forge a bond between them, highlighting their ability to withstand hardships while preserving their cultural identities.

4. Marriage Traditions

Marriage customs in Iran and South Korea also reveal their cultural bonds. In both societies, the man takes the responsibility of establishing the new household, while the woman prepares it with necessary items. Additionally, both cultures engage in pre-marital introductions through matchmakers, reflecting similar values and practices rooted in tradition. This shared approach emphasizes the importance of family and community in wedding customs and illustrates the interconnectedness of their cultural identities.

5. Weather Conditions

Interestingly, the climate of northern Iran and South Korea shares many similarities. Both regions experience hot, muggy summers and cold, humid winters. These shared seasonal patterns create a distinct weather narrative that transcends geographical differences, further linking the two cultures. The common experience of weather conditions reinforces their connection, creating a backdrop for the stories and traditions that shape their societies.

6. Education and University

Education systems in Iran and South Korea reflect a mutual understanding of the importance of learning. In both countries, students wear uniforms, fostering a sense of equality among peers. The university entrance exam is a critical milestone for students, as achieving success in these exams is heavily emphasized in both cultures. This shared commitment to educational excellence highlights their similar values and aspirations, where hard work and dedication pave the way for future success.

7. Military Service

Another noteworthy similarity is the requirement of military service for young men in both Iran and South Korea. This mandatory service is a rite of passage that carries significant responsibilities. During their time in the military, young men not only protect their nations but also gain valuable life skills and experiences. This shared societal expectation reflects a sense of duty and unity among the youth in both countries, fostering a strong connection between their national identities.

8. Culinary Cultures

Food is central to both Iranian and South Korean cultures. In both countries, rice serves as a staple food, commonly accompanied by flavorful stews and an array of delicious side dishes. Meal times are cherished opportunities for families to come together, emphasizing deep-rooted cultural connections. Barbecue is popular in both regions, and the use of spices, pickles, and sauces plays a significant role in their culinary traditions. This shared appreciation for food illustrates how people in Iran and South Korea connect through the universal language of meals.

9. Beauty Procedures

In recent years, both Iran and South Korea have witnessed a surge in the popularity of cosmetic and plastic surgery. What was once considered an occasional choice has now become routine for many, reflecting shifting societal norms and the pursuit of beauty in both cultures. This trend highlights how both nations embrace aesthetic enhancements, further bridging cultural gaps and showcasing their evolving views on beauty and appearance.

10. National Anthems

Lastly, an interesting connection between Iran and South Korea lies in their national anthems. Remarkably, the national anthem of Iran draws inspiration from that of South Korea, creating a beautiful musical link that transcends borders. This shared musical heritage highlights a unique bond between the two nations and demonstrates their mutual appreciation for patriotism and national pride.


If you are intrigued by the cultural and historical connections between Iran and South Korea, consider exploring the wonders of Persian culture firsthand. Tailored journeys to Iran can provide a deeper understanding of these similarities, allowing you to immerse yourself in a unique blend of traditions. Experience the beauty, history, and warmth of Iranian hospitality as you uncover the rich tapestry of a country that shares surprising connections with South Korea.