Global Reactions Emerge Following Assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran

Wednesday, July 31, 2024  Read time3 min

SAEDNEWS: Several Iranian and international figures and bodies have condemned the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the political bureau chief of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, in Tehran.

Global Reactions Emerge Following Assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran

According to SAEDNEWS, The assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, a senior leader of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, has sent shockwaves around the world. In response to this heinous act, various leaders from different countries and organizations have issued statements condemning the assassination and vowing to continue the fight against the Zionist regime.

### Global Outcry Following the Assassination of Haniyeh

The assassination of Dr. Ismail Haniyeh, a prominent leader in the Palestinian resistance, has sparked widespread condemnation and a rallying cry for justice across the Middle East and beyond. The Ansarullah Movement in Yemen has characterized the killing as a “terrorist crime” and declared it a cowardly act that will not deter the ongoing resistance movement. This sentiment was echoed by Muhammad al-Hindi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, who referred to Haniyeh's assassination as a profound loss for the Palestinian nation.

In Iran, Tehran's Mayor Alireza Zakani condemned the killing, referring to Haniyeh as a "guest" of the nation and warning that the Zionist regime will face severe repercussions for this act. Fazal-ur-Rehman, President of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, also expressed his sorrow, asserting that the sacrifice of Martyr Haniyeh would only strengthen the resolve of those fighting against what they describe as the Zionist enemy.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the assassination as “cowardly and dangerous,” affirming the commitment of the Palestinian people to continue their struggle against the occupying forces. Mustafa Al-Barghouthi, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative Movement, stressed that such crimes will only amplify the determination of the Palestinian populace to reclaim their rights.

A leader from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine added to this chorus of condemnation, stating that the assassination of Haniyeh will provoke a response and that members of the Axis of Resistance will be inspired to follow his example.

Haniyeh was killed, along with one of his bodyguards, in his residence in Tehran early Wednesday morning. The attack coincided with his visit to Iran for the inauguration ceremony of new President Masoud Pezeshkian.

This heinous act has not only resonated within the region but has also drawn international condemnation. The Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for an immediate and thorough investigation into the assassination, urging that those responsible be brought to justice. They emphasized the urgent need for de-escalation and constructive dialogue among all parties involved.

Qatar, too, expressed its grave concern, denouncing the assassination in the strongest terms. The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs labeled it a heinous crime and a dangerous escalation, asserting that such reckless behavior by Israel would plunge the region into chaos and threaten any prospects for lasting peace.

Russia weighed in on the situation as well, with Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov describing the assassination as an “absolutely unacceptable political murder” that would inevitably lead to increased tensions in the region.

Turkey also condemned the killing, stating it highlights the unwillingness of Israel's Netanyahu government to pursue peace. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned that the region could face even larger conflicts if the international community fails to act against Israel's aggressive actions.

The Yemeni Houthis were no less vocal, with Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, head of the group’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee, describing the targeting of Ismail Haniyeh as a heinous terrorist crime and a blatant violation of both laws and humanitarian values.

As news of Haniyeh's assassination continues to circulate, it is evident that this tragedy has united various factions in a collective demand for justice and an urgent reevaluation of the region's fragile peace. The incident has triggered a wave of anger and calls for accountability, emphasizing the precarious nature of peace in the Middle East. The international community is now faced with the challenge of addressing these escalating tensions and fostering a dialogue towards a more peaceful coexistence.