20 Beautiful and Readable Hadiths about Love and Kindness

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Saednews: Kindness is one of the admirable traits, and there are many hadiths about it. To learn more about these hadiths, stay with Saednews.

20 Beautiful and Readable Hadiths about Love and Kindness

"Kindness is one of the positive traits in every person, and for living a peaceful life, kindness is of utmost importance. Many hadiths have been mentioned about this topic. Therefore, it is better to stay with us until the end of the article about kindness."

Hadith from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

"Whoever desires to taste the flavor of faith should love a person only for the sake of Allah."

  • (Source: Nahj al-Fasaha, p. 587, Hadith 2853)


Hadith from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

"It is the man's right over his wife to stay at home, be affectionate with her, love her, and show compassion."

  • (Source: Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, Vol. 4, p. 244, Hadith 16604)


Hadith from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

"A servant does not reach the true essence of faith until he loves for others what he loves for himself from goodness."

  • (Source: Kanz al-‘Ummal, Vol. 1, p. 42, Hadith 101)


Imam Ali (AS) said:
"By showing mercy to others, mercy (from Allah) descends."


Imam Ali (AS) said:
"Make your heart wear kindness for the people, love for them, and tenderness toward them!"


Imam Ali (AS) said:
"The fruit of humility is love."


Imam Zayn al-Abidin (AS) said:
"Good speech increases wealth, multiplies sustenance, delays death, makes one beloved to their family, and leads to Paradise."


Imam Baqir (AS) said:
"Religion is love, and love is religion."


Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
"If you love a man, tell him about it, for it strengthens affection between you both."


Imam Reza (AS) said:
"Be cautious with the powerful, humble with friends, vigilant with enemies, and open-hearted with the general public."


Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
"The heart is the sanctuary of God, so do not place anything other than God in His sanctuary."

  • (Source: Jami' al-Akhbar, p. 518, Hadith 1468)


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Allah has urged kindness to orphans because of their loss of their fathers. Whoever protects them, Allah will protect him, and whoever honors them, Allah will honor him."

  • (Source: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 75, p. 12)


Imam Ali (AS) said:
"Three qualities bring love: fairness in companionship, empathy in difficulty, and returning to a pure heart."


Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
"O Allah, I ask You for beauty, adornment, and love, and I seek refuge with You from ugliness, enmity, and hatred."


It was asked of Jesus (AS): What are the best deeds? He replied:
"Satisfaction with God and loving Him."

  • (Source: Mahajat al-Bayda, Vol. 8, p. 88)


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"The best of your homes are those where an orphan is honored."

  • (Source: Mawa’iz al-Adadiyya, p. 19)


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Whoever seats an orphan at his table and strokes his head, his heart will become softer and kinder."

  • (Source: Safina, Vol. 2, p. 731)


Imam Baqir (AS) said:
"If you want to know whether there is good in you, look at your heart. If it loves the obedient servants of Allah and dislikes the disobedient, there is good in you, and Allah loves you. But if it dislikes the obedient and likes the disobedient, there is no good in you, and Allah is displeased with you. Know that everyone will be with their friends (on the Day of Judgment)."


Imam Baqir (AS) said:
"Three things bring love: lending, humility, and charity. Among the important factors, we must emphasize faith, love, kindness, a smiling face, giving gifts, good character, sweet speech, and humility."