10 Items You Should Immediately Remove from Your Bathroom Décor

Thursday, January 02, 2025  Read time2 min

SAEDNEWS: In this article, we’ll introduce 10 essential items that you should remove from your bathroom immediately.

10 Items You Should Immediately Remove from Your Bathroom Décor

Items to Remove from Your Bathroom Right Away

Have you ever considered how the warm and humid environment of a bathroom affects the items stored there? This is one of the main reasons you need to rethink your bathroom storage choices.

1. Bar Soap

For better hygiene and easier cleaning, avoid using bar soap in your bathroom. Instead, switch to liquid soap with a pump dispenser to prevent soap scum buildup on soap dishes and dull stains on bathroom surfaces.

2. Improper Medicine Storage

Never make this mistake! Bathrooms are not suitable for storing medicines due to humidity and temperature fluctuations. Store medications in a dry place at room temperature (around 25–30°C).

3. Jewelry and Accessories

The humid environment of the bathroom accelerates the oxidation process of jewelry, causing it to tarnish and lose its shine, even if you don’t wear it in the shower. Keep your jewelry and accessories in a cool, dry place.

4. Makeup Products

It doesn’t matter whether it’s powder, cream, or liquid makeup—all makeup products should be stored at room temperature. Avoid keeping them in the bathroom. Your bedroom or dressing area likely has suitable shelves or storage spaces for cosmetics.

5. Perfumes and Colognes

The same rules apply to perfumes and colognes. Even if the perfume bottles look decorative and stylish in your bathroom, stop right there! Heat and humidity accelerate oxidation and quickly degrade the scent and essence of perfumes.

6. Waterproof Electrical Devices

Singing in the shower is enjoyable for many, but remember: high humidity can damage even waterproof electrical devices. To avoid damage or accidents, remove electrical devices from the bathroom décor.

7. Linen and Cotton Fabrics

Bathrooms are prone to fungus and mold growth. Transfer linen fabrics, towels, and similar items to another space. Improve the bathroom ventilation system to ensure that moisture evaporates quickly after each use.

8. Books and Magazines

Reading in the bathroom might seem tempting, but the humidity damages paper pages. After reading, store books and magazines in a dry space to prevent them from warping or becoming moldy.

9. Nail Polish

Some high-quality nail polishes can last up to two years, but storing them in a bathroom shortens their lifespan due to constant temperature fluctuations. Store your nail polish in a room-temperature space like your bedroom.

10. Razor Blades and Shaving Cartridges

While the razor blade you’re currently using can stay in the bathroom, spare blades and cartridges should be stored elsewhere. The moisture and steam can cause blades to rust and dull before you even use them.