[VIDEO] Vice President Harris speaks at campaign + How Joe Biden supports her.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The Video of the VP Harris speaking at her campaign.

[VIDEO] Vice President Harris speaks at campaign + How Joe Biden supports her.

SAEDNEWS: Vice President Kamala Harris, joined by President Biden on the phone, addresses staff at campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware the day after President Biden withdrew from the 2024 race and endorsed her. "It is my intention to go out and earn this nomination and to win," says the vice president.

Aiming to put weeks of intraparty drama over President Joe Biden’s prospects behind them, prominent Democratic elected officials, party leaders and political organizations quickly lined up behind Harris. Worries over Biden’s fitness for office were replaced by fresh signs of unity after a seismic shift to the presidential contest that upended both major political parties’ carefully honed plans for the 2024 race.