Saed News: "Padarazi" is a type of dry and delicious pastry that is baked as a traditional sweet from Qazvin for the Nowruz festivities. You can find the recipe and how to make Qazvin Padarazi on my channel.
According to the cooking service of Saed News, Padarazi is a traditional, delicious pastry with a long shelf life, made in various cities across Iran. Padarazi is prepared in Mashhad, northern Iran, and Qazvin for the Nowruz holiday. This pastry is very tasty and has a long shelf life, making it perfect for serving during Nowruz celebrations. Today, we are going to teach you how to make Padarazi.
Ingredients for Padarazi (This recipe makes 38 pieces of 7g each):
150g all-purpose flour
75g powdered sugar
70g solidified oil (shortening)
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
Poppy seeds or sesame seeds for decoration
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Baking temperatures:
Gas oven: 165°C
Electric oven: 150°C
Toaster and microwave: 140°C
Lower element and convection: 10 minutes