Turkey Returns 55 Priceless Historical Artifacts to Iran in Cultural Repatriation Effort

Monday, August 26, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Turkey has returned 55 historical artifacts to Iran as part of an agreement signed between the two neighboring countries last year to combat the trafficking of cultural property.

Turkey Returns 55 Priceless Historical Artifacts to Iran in Cultural Repatriation Effort

According to SAEDNEWS, Turkish officials formally returned a collection of historical artifacts to Iran during a ceremony held at the Erzurum Archaeology Museum on Tuesday. The handover was witnessed by dignitaries and representatives from both countries.

Director-Generals of Turkey’s Cultural Heritage and Museums, Birol Incecikoz, announced that the repatriated items included 42 coins, a sword from the ancient Sasanian dynasty, a bronze jug, and 11 artifacts dating from the Bronze Age and Islamic periods. Incecikoz emphasized that these items were proven to belong to Iran, underscoring the importance of cultural heritage.

Highlighting Turkey's commitment to combatting artifact smuggling, he stated, “Every cultural artifact is the jewel of the country it belongs to. It must be exhibited in the country” of its origin. He also mentioned that the return of cultural assets to their rightful lands will be a guiding principle for Turkey moving forward, particularly in their ongoing efforts against the smuggling of historical artifacts.

The Iranian Consul General in Erzurum, Mohammad Ebrahimi, expressed gratitude for Turkey’s efforts in locating and returning the artifacts. He underscored Iran's rich history, noting that it is an ancient country with numerous monuments registered with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

This ceremony not only marked a successful conclusion to the repatriation process but also reinforced the collaborative spirit between Turkey and Iran in preserving and honoring their shared cultural heritage.