Iranian Foreign Minister Declares Sanctions as a Failed Policy

Sunday, September 15, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Sanctions are a means of pressure and confrontation, not a means for cooperation, according to the Iranian foreign minister, adding that sanctioning Iran has proven to be a failed experience.

Iranian Foreign Minister Declares Sanctions as a Failed Policy

According to SAEDNEWS, In a recent interview, Iran's Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araghchi criticized the use of sanctions, stating that they have not worked and are merely tools of pressure rather than tools for cooperation.

Araghchi emphasized that the Western countries should realize that imposing sanctions is an expression of their inability to achieve their goals with Iran. He pointed out that attempts to pressure Iran into following their agenda have proven ineffective. "Sanctioning Iran has been a failed experience," he affirmed.

The foreign minister highlighted that, whether in discussions about nuclear issues or other matters, sanctions have not brought about the desired outcomes. "It is surprising that some still hold on to this failed policy," he said.

Araghchi expressed that Iran is committed to dialogue and seeks to engage in constructive discussions to resolve disputes. However, he stressed that any talks should be grounded in mutual respect, rather than threats or pressure.

"Sanctions are a means of confrontation, not cooperation," he noted. "They have not shown any effectiveness in practice."

To conclude the interview, Araghchi urged Western countries to reconsider their approach and move away from the policy of sanctions.