Iran Committed to Safeguarding Sovereignty and National Security, Says FM Spokesperson

Tuesday, August 13, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: In response to the statement of France, Germany, and the UK, Nasser Kan'ani stated that Iran is determined to defend its sovereignty and national security and does not ask for permission to use its recognized rights.

Iran Committed to Safeguarding Sovereignty and National Security, Says FM Spokesperson

According to SAEDNEWS, In recent statements, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kan'ani criticized the comments made by the leaders of three European nations, asserting that their remarks come at a time when Western countries have remained indifferent to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. He highlighted that this indifference and the backing of the Israeli regime have allowed it to commit various international crimes, including genocide and war crimes against the defenseless Palestinian population.

Kan'ani remarked on the increasing confidence of Zionist authorities in perpetrating grievous international offenses, stating, "The impunity of the Zionist authorities has increased their brazenness in committing the most heinous and international crimes." He further elaborated on the dire humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip, pointing out that the United Nations and its Security Council have failed to deter the actions of the Israeli regime for over ten months, allowing its anti-human crimes and extraterritorial aggressions to proliferate throughout the region.

He took issue with the European nations' requests for Iran to refrain from acting against the Israeli regime, arguing that such demands lack political rationale and contradict international law principles. "Such requests with no political logic are contrary to the principles of international law," Kan'ani stated, suggesting that they effectively amount to tacit support for the roots of international crimes and terrorism affecting the region.

In his remarks, Kan'ani emphasized that if the European countries genuinely seek peace and stability, they must openly oppose the provocations of the Israeli government. He reinforced Iran's commitment to protecting its sovereignty and national security, asserting that the nation will continue to work towards stability and deterrence against sources of insecurity and terrorism.

Kan'ani concluded by stating that Iran does not require permission to exercise its recognized rights, condemning the inaction of global powers and the UN Security Council regarding Israeli aggression. He held that the extensive political and military support provided by Western governments to Israel is a significant factor contributing to the escalating crisis in the region, stating, "The supporters of the Israeli regime should be responsible against the committed crimes in Gaza and West Asia."