Biden Hopes Iran Will Stand Down Amid Rising Tensions Following Israeli Aggression

Monday, August 05, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: US President Joe Biden said Saturday he hopes Iran will stand down amid Iran's preparation for retaliating Israeli aggression against Hamas Resistance movement's chief and breaching its sovereignty.

Biden Hopes Iran Will Stand Down Amid Rising Tensions Following Israeli Aggression

According to SAEDNEWS, US President Joe Biden has expressed his hope that Iran will stand down amid recent tensions in the Middle East. Speaking to a reporter on Saturday, Biden was asked if he believed Iran would stand down, and he replied, "I hope so. I don’t know," as he was leaving a grocery store in his home state of Delaware.

The Pentagon has announced that it will be deploying additional military assets to the region in response to the rising tensions. The Department of Defense has stated that it is taking steps to mitigate the possibility of regional escalation, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has ordered adjustments to US military posture to improve force protection, increase support for the defense of Israel, and prepare for various contingencies.

Tensions have been escalating in the Middle East for nearly 10 months since the Israeli regime launched a brutal onslaught against the Gaza Strip, which began on October 7. Nearly 39,500 Palestinians have been martyred in this time. The latest escalation occurred when Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated during a visit to Iran earlier this week.

The situation remains volatile, with both sides trading threats and accusations. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has vowed that Iran will avenge Haniyeh's martyrdom and punish the Tel Aviv regime for violating its territorial integrity.