Beauty Hacks Used by Women in Ancient Egypt : Such a WOW!

Tuesday, August 06, 2024  Read time3 min

SAEDNEWS: Makeup may appear to be a modern phenomenon but contrary to popular belief, cosmetics were also considered essential in ancient days.

Beauty Hacks Used by Women in Ancient Egypt : Such a WOW!

According to SAEDNEWS, While we often think of makeup as a modern invention, the truth is that the ancient Egyptians placed a high value on cosmetics long before our time. One name that frequently surfaces in discussions about beauty is that of Cleopatra, the legendary Egyptian queen known for her iconic allure.

Ancient Egyptians were deeply conscious of their appearance and took meticulous care to present themselves beautifully, even in death. Archaeological discoveries have shed light on the rich tapestry of beauty practices that defined their culture. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the beauty secrets of ancient Egypt and explore their significance during that era.

The Significance of Makeup in Ancient Egypt

It's no secret that ancient Egyptians were enamored with beauty. Portraits from this era are rarely seen without figures adorned in striking makeup. Both men and women participated in elaborate beauty rituals aimed at enhancing their looks. Interestingly, makeup served a dual purpose: it was not just about aesthetics but also about protecting the skin from the harsh desert climate.

The Egyptians believed that good hygiene was vital and that caring for one's body was a reflection of dignity.

From unique routines to specific products, the ancient Egyptians had a wealth of beauty practices that helped them maintain their radiant skin.

Makeup Application

Kohl was a staple for both men and women, used to accentuate their features. Much like today, applying kohl or eyeliner gave the eyes a stunning look, reminiscent of the large, captivating eyes often depicted in ancient art. Beyond beauty, the thick lines of kohl protected the eyes from the blinding sun and had antibacterial properties.

The Origins of Eyeliner

Making lip color involved mixing vegetable oil with ochre and sometimes crushed beetles, creating vibrant hues that not only beautified but also moisturized the lips. However, it's important to note that some ancient cosmetics were toxic and posed serious health risks.

Natural Exfoliation and Hydration Methods

Before applying makeup, Egyptians prioritized exfoliation. They used salts from the Dead Sea to cleanse their skin, preparing it for smooth application. Long milk baths and coffee scrubs were common, with coffee helping to reduce inflammation and promote healthy circulation. They also relied on nourishing body oils derived from almonds, castor oil, and flowers to protect their skin from the elements.

Waxing and Hair Removal

For ancient Egyptians, beauty extended beyond makeup. They viewed hair as unclean, so women often turned to a mixture of sugar, lemon, and water for waxing, a technique known as “sugaring” today.

Natural Face Masks and Remedies

The combination of honey and milk formed the basis of many face masks, capitalizing on milk’s lactic acid for hydration and exfoliation. These masks kept their skin glowing and healthy.

Solutions for Under-Eye Puffiness

To combat puffiness, ancient Egyptians applied avocado slices under their eyes. This nutrient-rich fruit not only alleviated swelling but also assisted in reducing dark circles and fine lines.

Nail Care and Eyebrows

Using henna, the Egyptians colored their nails a striking yellowish-orange—a practice seen in parts of Asian culture today. Henna also encourages nail growth and nourishes nails as a natural conditioner. As for eyebrows, the fashionable black, prominent brows were filled in using charred almonds, which served as a nourishing liner rich in vitamin E.

Dietary Choices and Beauty

The ancient Egyptians’ quest for beauty extended to their diet. They consumed dates, rich in antioxidants, protein, and fiber, which supported their overall health and vitality.


The beauty practices of ancient Egyptians reveal their deep understanding of body care and their dedication to maintaining a polished appearance. Many of these timeless beauty secrets continue to influence modern skincare and makeup regimens today. By exploring these ancient rituals, we can appreciate the legacy of beauty that has transcended the ages.