[VIDEO] Abdoogh Khiar - Persian Cold Yogurt Soup with Cucumbers, Herbs, Walnuts & Raisins

Tuesday, July 23, 2024  Read time2 min

SAEDNEWS: This Persian cold yogurt soup (Ab Doogh Khiar) is destined for those hot summer days and it can be made as thick or as thin and is filled with cucumbers, raisins, walnuts, and herbs.

[VIDEO] Abdoogh Khiar - Persian Cold Yogurt Soup with Cucumbers, Herbs, Walnuts & Raisins

SAEDNEWS: Abdoogh khiar is a chilled yogurt soup with lots of aromatic fresh herbs, diced cucumbers, chopped radishes, crushed walnuts and sweet golden raisins topped with dried rose petals and served with pieces of dried/toasted flatbread. With the temperature pushing 90 degrees Fahrenheit for the past several days, this traditional summer recipe replenishes you and keeps you cool during this hot, sauna-like weather. Then all you need is to take a 15-minute nap right after!

People who grew up in Iran probably remember the dreaded grown-ups nap after lunch in houses and that you were not allowed to play outside while they were napping.

Yogurt (especially plain) helps the body cool down on hot summer days so does cucumber, the combination has long been loved and made by many around the world including the Turks with cacik and the Greeks with tzatziki.

abdoogh khiyar

Doogh refers to the buttermilk that comes from the process of churning yogurt butter, but this dish is often prepared with a mixture of yogurt and water. Here, tangy, creamy buttermilk is blended with plain yogurt for a soup with extra body. An array of cool, crunchy, sweet, and savory ingredients are then added to the base, along with herbs and spices for a refreshing, satisfying meal.

This yogurt dish also has cucumbers, dill, mint, raisins, walnuts, and rose petals and it can be diluted with water or ice cubes.

It is a very aromatic and flavorful dish that is also healthy and protein-rich which makes it a great choice for those who are vegetarians. The addition of raisins adds a touch of natural sweetness and the walnuts add crunch.


  • Plain yogurt: Persian yogurt is naturally more “sour” than the yogurt you find in regular grocery stores. You can make your yogurt or use store-bought.

  • Persian cucumbers: You can use regular or English cucumbers, just be sure to remove the seeds.

  • Raisins: Dark red raisins are usually used but you can use green raisins.

  • Walnuts: You can substitute with chopped pecans or pistachios if you do not have walnuts.

  • Herbs: My family prefers a combination of dill and mint, but you can use one or the other exclusively. You can use fresh herbs or dried ones.

  • Dried rose petals and rosewater: This is optional. Rose petals offer color and a very mild aroma. Rosewater offers more aroma.

  • Salt and pepper

  • Ice cubes or cold water: You can make this thick or thinned down, depending on your preference and the thickness of yogurt you are using.

To eat abdoogh khiar, we can tear the bread in the bowl and have it soak for a couple of minutes. Then enjoy the cold yogurt soup with a spoon. In each spoonful will have a little bit of everything: the yogurt base, the walnuts and raisins, the herbs, and the bread.