Weight gain not only leads to frustration but may also cause many health issues. Being overweight increases the risk of diabetes. If you are aware of the causes of weight gain, you can take preventive measures and choose a healthier lifestyle. In the following, we will introduce you to some common sleep mistakes that contribute to weight gain.
The recommended amount of sleep for adults is at least 8 hours per night. When your sleep rhythm is disrupted and you go to bed later than you should, your body produces a lot of the hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin is responsible for increasing appetite. So, by staying up late and producing more ghrelin, your appetite increases and your weight goes up. There is a direct relationship between sleep and fitness: the better your sleep quality, the better your body will be. However, the effects of sleep on fitness don't stop there. When you don't get enough restful and quality sleep, your body produces less leptin, the hormone responsible for signaling fullness, which in turn leads to weight gain.
In addition to its effect on obesity, sleep disruption also significantly affects people's mood. Poor sleep increases cortisol levels, which also contributes to weight gain.
You may be wondering how sleep affects obesity and weight loss. For many people, the link between sleep and weight gain or loss is not well understood. However, despite this lack of understanding, recent research from Harvard University shows that getting proper and timely sleep can help with weight loss and slimming down. Going to bed on time is a major challenge for many people. Poor sleep habits can lead to serious health issues. In a study conducted at Harvard University with 133,353 healthy women, it was found that those who had good sleep habits were 45% less likely to develop diabetes compared to others.
Studies remind us that eating late-night snacks can contribute to weight gain. Moreover, it may increase cholesterol levels and insulin in the blood, leading to negative effects on our hormonal balance. Remember, if your calorie intake is much higher than what you're burning, it will ultimately lead to weight gain.
Experts say that people who drink alcohol cannot lose weight even if they exercise and follow a diet because alcohol is high in calories and contributes to abdominal fat. Nutritionists emphasize that since liquid calories don't create a feeling of fullness, individuals are likely to consume more, which leads to further weight gain. Researchers have previously discovered that alcohol addiction stimulates the same parts of the brain that contribute to compulsive behavior, and this may increase the tendency to overeat, which raises the risk of obesity.
While a sedentary lifestyle is a factor in obesity, excessive exercise at night can also increase body temperature and suppress melatonin release. Nighttime exercise can also lead to excessive release of dopamine and cortisol, causing sleep problems. It's recommended to avoid intense exercise within 3 hours before bedtime.
If you want to sleep better, it's better to lower the temperature in your bedroom, even if you're someone who feels cold. According to recent research by the International Health Institute, sleeping in a cool room burns more calories and is beneficial for your health.
Drinking coffee late at night not only disrupts your sleep but also, according to research, consuming chlorogenic acid found in coffee is associated with weight gain. Try replacing coffee with herbal tea or, even better, warm water. The last coffee you consume should be 6 hours before bed.
The healthy amount of sleep is around 7-8 hours per night, but if you're regularly getting less than this, many health problems start to arise. Studies have shown a link between sleep deprivation and negative changes in metabolism. Another determining factor is that insufficient sleep leads to fatigue, which reduces physical activity.
Exercise plays an important role in weight loss because it boosts metabolism and calorie burning. It's essential to do at least a little bit of exercise daily, such as walking for 15 minutes. To avoid gaining weight and maintain fitness, don't neglect physical activity.
Studies show that using electronic devices emitting blue light before bed is linked to sleep deprivation and weight gain later. Instead of scrolling through social media before bed, read an interesting book or listen to calming music.
The color blue promotes relaxation and better sleep. It also reduces appetite. In contrast, colors like red or orange make you feel energized and hungry. So, consider revisiting the color scheme of your bedroom, as there is a close relationship between relaxation and the color spectrum.
Difficulty falling asleep or waking up during the night for more than three months indicates chronic insomnia. We've all experienced insomnia, and we know how it disrupts our peace of mind. Numerous studies have shown a correlation between obesity and sleep deprivation. For example, a study from Harvard University revealed that women who sleep 5 hours or less a night are 15% more likely to become obese than women who get 7 hours of sleep. So, don't sabotage your weight loss efforts by not sleeping! Here are the most significant effects of sleep deprivation and insomnia:
Increased risk of stroke
Increased risk of colon cancer
Higher risk of breast cancer
Increased susceptibility to colds
Brain tissue loss
Increased risk of heart disease
Decreased sperm count in men
Higher chance of accidents, like car crashes
Increased false hunger
Negative impact on food preferences
Disruption of metabolism
Reduced muscle synthesis
Increased oxidative stress (imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals)
Decreased energy for exercise and physical activity
Feeling fatigued, which can make exercise risky, especially activities like weightlifting or those requiring balance
Eating Unhealthy Food
Therefore, don't underestimate the importance of adequate sleep for overall health. Sufficient sleep not only provides the energy you need during the day but also helps maintain metabolic balance. You might think you can tolerate frequent sleepless nights, but chances are, you won't be able to bear the consequences of sleep deprivation on your metabolism.
I hope you've found the information on the connection between sleep mistakes and obesity useful. Feel free to share it with anyone who cares about their health. You can also visit the "Sports World" section of Sadehnews for more informative content. Thank you so much for your support!