5 Common Lies Successful People Don't Believe

Saturday, February 22, 2025  Read time4 min

What common trait do successful people share that makes everything they do seem so effortless? Why does their success appear so simple? The answer may surprise you: it's often their belief and mindset that make their actions look easy.

5 Common Lies Successful People Don't Believe

According to the psychology domain service of Saed News, people certainly prefer better-packaged products, and companies undoubtedly welcome higher sales and satisfaction.

Successful individuals identify obstacles but don't let them lead to discouragement or despair. Instead, they strive to find ways to overcome these challenges. For example, someone might think they have no chance in the food production and packaging system and won't be able to present their ideas. However, they could find a way to overcome these difficulties. Remember, overcoming obstacles is a crucial skill for achieving success.

Lie #1: You Don't Stand a Chance in This System

There are many ways to achieve your goals. Believing that all odds are against you is just another way of saying, "I don't want to fail," and it keeps you from even trying.

For example, you have an idea for new baby food packaging. It's a misconception that you need to set up a new factory or production line to implement this idea. This belief will likely discourage you from trying. Instead, you can present your idea to existing baby food manufacturers and progress from there.

People want better-packaged products, and companies welcome higher sales and satisfaction.

Successful people identify obstacles but don't let them lead to discouragement or despair. Instead, they strive to find ways to overcome these obstacles. Someone might think they have no chance in the food production and packaging system and won't be able to present their ideas. However, they could find a way to overcome these difficulties. Remember, overcoming obstacles is a crucial skill for achieving success.

Lie #2: You Must Have Connections

Some believe that without specific relationships and connections, success is impossible. The truth is you can establish connections at any level with people in any industry. The only limitation is your approach. Try asking for what you want and find the right people to make it happen.

If you feel you lack good connections, start looking for them. Many people say, "Why would Mr. X or Mrs. Y talk to me?" This excuse prevents any action or progress.

There is no definitive answer to this question. They might think you have a good idea or proposal. If they reject your conversation offer, you'll know they weren't the right person to connect with. With today's resources, finding ways to reach different people is no longer difficult.

Successful people don't waste their time finding reasons and excuses not to make contact. They immediately try to reach the desired person, ask friends for help, and find any way to speak to them.

Lie #3: You Need Luck

When you hear someone call a successful person "lucky," you should know they have no idea about the path that person took. Success requires movement and dynamism.

It's not necessarily about working hard. To succeed, you must know which steps to take and stick to your plan.

"Luck" is not an external element. Luck is that tenth call you make after nine unsuccessful ones. It means you didn't get discouraged after nine calls and kept going until the tenth one succeeded! Some might call this luck, but they don't know you had nine failed calls before, yet you persisted to reach your goal.

Successful people know that believing in luck is a common lie and avoid it. Leaving things to chance and fate won't yield positive results.

Lie #4: The Market is Too Competitive

Many people, believing the market is too competitive, don't take action. This belief suppresses their ideas and excitement.

You notice a need or gap and strive to offer a product or service to meet that need. Believing that the market is too competitive and you won't stand a chance is a mistaken belief. If your competitor had already addressed this need or gap, they would have offered a product for it, and you wouldn't feel that need.

So, it might be better to see yourself as an important player sitting on the sidelines, waiting to enter the game and make a change! But here's the key: you're not just a player; you're also the coach. Therefore, you must decide when to enter the game.

Competition is merely an illusion! If you offer a unique product or service, all your competitors' activities will benefit you by highlighting your distinctions.

When the famous Starbucks chain opens a branch next to a local coffee shop, what happens? It might be surprising, but in most cases, it's beneficial for the local shop, increasing sales. The reason is clear: competing with a well-known brand like Starbucks attracts more attention and interest.

Successful people understand that competition helps their efforts get more recognition.

Lie #5: It's Too Late

There is no perfect time or age. Likewise, no unique economic condition or geographical location exists.

It's really simple. Most of the time, it's the internal critic and suppressor that says, "Yes, but..."

There are only two options: you're either committed to doing something, or you're not. As long as you don't take steps towards your goal and strive for it, you'll never know if you have a chance of succeeding.