Riddhima Kapoor Voices Concern Over Daughter's Instagram Obsession: It’s because of all the trolling

Sunday, July 28, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Riddhima Kapoor says she finds it tough telling her teenage daughter Samara to stay away from social media.

Riddhima Kapoor Voices Concern Over Daughter's Instagram Obsession: It’s because of all the trolling

According to SAEDNEWS, In a recent interview with UK-based radio jockey Anushka Arora, Riddhima said she is very watchful of Samara’s activity on Instagram. She also said that she has asked Samara to keep her account private, which she refuses to do.

“At times it worries me, because she is (active) a lot on social media, she posts pictures and videos of hers almost every day,” Riddhima said while talking about her daughter’s presence on Instagram.

She added, “I told her that if she wants to be on Instagram, she needs to go private. But that’s a challenge. I didn’t want her to be on social media because of all the trolling, and she is your typical 13-year-old. She tends to read comments, and obviously, it plays in the back of your mind when people write not-so-nice things about her. I told her she needs to go private or get off social media. But she says if she goes private, she won’t get followers!”


Right now, Samara’s Instagram account is private. In the interview, Riddhima called her daughter a “people’s person” and a “naughty, but obedient” child. She admitted that she finds it very hard to discipline her, and her husband spoils her.