Report Reveals Failure of U.S. Maximum Pressure Policy on Iran

Sunday, August 18, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: An American newspaper has reported that the maximum pressure policy against the Islamic Republic of Iran has failed.

Report Reveals Failure of U.S. Maximum Pressure Policy on Iran

According to SAEDNEWS, In a recent op-ed published in the Washington Post on Friday, international relations expert Fareed Zakaria raised significant concerns regarding the United States’ maximum pressure policy towards Iran. This strategy was intensified following President Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in May 2018, which Zakaria argues has not achieved its intended goals.

Zakaria highlighted that the number of sanctions imposed on Iran skyrocketed from 370 during Barack Obama’s administration to over 1,500 under Trump, establishing Iran as the most sanctioned country in the world. He pointed out that the Biden administration has largely maintained the Trump-era policies, albeit with some modifications and relaxations.

"What has been the result of the Trump-Biden policy of maximum pressure?" Zakaria questioned, underscoring the unintended consequences of this approach. He noted that, liberated from the constraints originally established by the nuclear deal, Iran has significantly advanced its nuclear program. “It now has 30 times more enriched uranium than the deal allowed, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency,” he emphasized.

Zakaria's commentary invites a critical reassessment of the effectiveness of the US's current strategies regarding Iran, prompting further discussion on the future of diplomatic efforts and sanctions in managing Iran's nuclear ambitions.