Iran's Foreign Ministry Responds to Successful Satellite Launch

Sunday, September 15, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: In reaction to the successful launch of Chamran-1 research satellite, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said that sanctioning countries once again have received the clear response to their irrational actions.

Iran's Foreign Ministry Responds to Successful Satellite Launch

According to SAEDNEWS, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman has made a statement following the successful launch of the Chamran-1 research satellite, saying that countries imposing sanctions on Iran will come to regret their actions.

Nasser Kan’ani congratulated all Iranians, especially the scientists and researchers involved in the launch, which took place using the Qaem-100 satellite carrier. The Chamran-1 satellite is now in orbit at an altitude of 550 km above the Earth.

In his message on social media platform X, Kan’ani emphasized that the sanctions, which he described as "irrational," have received a strong response from Iran. He asserted that Iran is a logical and powerful nation and advised sanctioning states to reconsider their actions and statements.

The Chamran-1 satellite, which weighs about 60 kg, has the primary goal of testing hardware and software systems to improve orbital maneuver technology. The Qaem-100 satellite carrier, developed by aerospace experts from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), successfully completed the mission to place the Chamran-1 satellite into orbit.

This achievement demonstrates Iran's advancements in space technology and signals its continued efforts in research and development, despite the pressures from sanctions.