Iran's Air Defense Commander: Vigilance Against Israeli Threats

Saturday, August 31, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: The Iranian Air Defense Force is on high alert and closely monitoring activities related to its rivals, especially Israel. Brigadier General Alireza Sabahifard, the commander of the Air Defense Force, emphasized that the military is prepared to address any potential threats.

Iran's Air Defense Commander: Vigilance Against Israeli Threats

According to SAEDNEWS, Speaking at Friday prayers in Tehran, General Sabahifard stated that the Air Defense Force is enhancing its capabilities in response to what he called "aerospace threats from global arrogance." He specifically mentioned that they are watching the activities of "the wicked Zionist regime" closely.

The general highlighted the importance of military strength, referencing the guidance of Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, who has previously said that a nation's security is tied to the strength of its military. He noted that Iran has successfully resisted plots from its enemies to undermine its independence and Islamic system, which has led to increased hostility towards the country.

According to General Sabahifard, the Air Defense Force is currently operating at its highest level of readiness and self-sufficiency. He explained that the force has developed the ability to design and manufacture various defense systems, including radars and electronic warfare equipment. This advancement allows them to detect enemy stealth aircraft from great distances.

The commander assured that the Air Defense Force is constantly watching for threats, conducting military exercises throughout the year, and upgrading its equipment to improve efficiency.

He called on global powers to abandon their hostile tactics, such as sanctions and threats, to create opportunities for resolving conflicts peacefully, utilizing Iran’s influence.

In recent years, Iranian experts have made significant progress in producing a variety of homegrown military equipment, which has led to greater self-sufficiency in the defense sector. Iranian officials have consistently affirmed their commitment to strengthening military capabilities, particularly missile defense, which they assert is purely for defensive purposes.

Ayatollah Khamenei has repeatedly emphasized the need to enhance and maintain Iran’s defense capabilities, countering criticisms of the country's missile program.

As tensions in the region continue, Iran remains focused on bolstering its military strength and readiness.