Iran Denies Allegations of Supplying Ballistic Missiles to Russia

Saturday, September 07, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Iran has rejected allegations of supplying ballistic missiles to Russia as baseless and misleading. The allegations are leveled against Tehran by the US and its Western allies.

Iran Denies Allegations of Supplying Ballistic Missiles to Russia

According to SAEDNEWS, In a recent development, Iran's mission to the United Nations has firmly rejected claims that it supplied ballistic missiles to Russia. These allegations have been made by the United States and its Western allies, describing them as "baseless and misleading."

On Friday, the Iranian mission stated that the country believes it is inhumane to provide military assistance to any party involved in the Ukraine conflict, as it could increase harm to lives and infrastructure in the region. Iran emphasized that it does not engage in such actions and encourages other nations to stop sending weapons to those involved in the conflict.

"The position of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the conflict in Ukraine has not changed,” the mission remarked following a UN Security Council meeting on August 30, where American, British, and French officials accused Tehran of involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Iran's permanent representative to the UN, Amir Saeid Iravani, previously characterized the accusations from the US, UK, and France as “baseless and misleading.” In a letter to the UN Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council, he highlighted, “The United States and its allies cannot deny the undeniable fact that sending advanced Western weapons, especially from the United States, has prolonged the war in Ukraine and harmed civilians and civilian infrastructure.”

Iravani also stated that Iran “categorically rejects” any allegations regarding its involvement in the sale, export, or transfer of arms to Russia, calling such claims “misleading” and “completely unfounded.”

Moreover, Iran believes that the ongoing conflict has been exacerbated by Western arms supplies to Ukraine, which they say prolongs the war. Since Russia's military action in Ukraine began in February 2022, it has argued that these Western arms are fueling the conflict.

This situation continues to evolve amidst the backdrop of a fraught conflict, with Iran calling for a ceasefire and a halt to arms supplies to all parties involved.