India’s Modi Urges Netanyahu to Negotiate Gaza Ceasefire

Sunday, August 18, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi put pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday to implement a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

India’s Modi Urges Netanyahu to Negotiate Gaza Ceasefire

According to SAEDNEWS, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed the urgency of de-escalating tensions in the Middle East during a recent telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as reported by Anadolu Agency.

In their discussion, Modi stated, “We discussed the current situation in West Asia. Emphasized the need to de-escalate. Reiterated our call for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages, and continued humanitarian assistance.”

Ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian resistance group, are currently taking place in Qatar with the involvement of the United States and Egypt. According to a joint statement from Egypt, Qatar, and the U.S. released on Friday, officials are scheduled to meet again in Cairo before the end of next week, with hopes of reaching an agreement to end the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Israel continues to face international backlash for its actions, as it disregards a United Nations Security Council resolution that demands an immediate ceasefire. The ongoing Israeli offensive in Gaza has resulted in the tragic loss of more than 40,000 Palestinian lives, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region. As discussions continue, the call for peace and stability remains a crucial priority on the international stage.