How To Get Rid Of Shoe Odor In The Summer? / 8 quick and effective methods!

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Saed News: Foot and shoe odor often bothers many people, and many may not know how to eliminate it. Therefore, in this article, we will introduce you to the best solutions and quick methods for removing foot odor.

How To Get Rid Of Shoe Odor In The Summer? / 8 quick and effective methods!

According to Saed News, quoting IRNA, unlike the face and hands, the feet are enclosed in shoes throughout the day. When this happens, the feet are not ventilated, and the sweat and heat create an ideal environment for the growth of highly odoriferous bacteria. These bacteria live on the feet, in socks, and in all your favorite shoes.

Have you ever noticed that some people’s feet hardly smell at all, while others’ foot odor is unbearable? The reason for this is that some people sweat more, creating conditions that encourage bacteria to reproduce in a warm and moist environment. In any case, foot odor is a common problem in most households that should be addressed, and you can resolve it with these methods.

Natural Ways to Eliminate Foot and Shoe Odor

What can be done about stinky feet and shoes? This is a common question for many people, and we have several natural solutions. The good news is that you can combine them together.

Keep Your Feet Clean Washing your feet daily with soap is very beneficial for keeping your feet clean and odor-free. You can soak your feet in an Epsom salt solution; this not only kills bacteria but also helps relax muscles.

Keep Feet Dry Be sure to dry your feet thoroughly before wearing socks or shoes, especially if you’ve just showered. Moisture between your toes is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Choose Well-Ventilated Shoes Natural leather is more breathable than plastic or rubber. Shoes with holes or made from materials designed to allow airflow are better options.

Give Your Shoes a Rest Allow your shoes to rest for 24 hours after use; this lets the air inside escape and helps kill most of the bacteria.

Moisture-wicking and Odor-Fighting Socks Not everyone is a fan of wearing socks with shoes, but wool socks, for example, absorb sweat and provide good ventilation. These socks are made from moisture-wicking materials like Merino wool, olefin, or microfiber blends. Remember to change your socks regularly.

Baking Soda Sprinkle two teaspoons of baking soda inside your shoes to help reduce odor. Using deodorant with a baking soda base and applying it to your feet or shoes can also be very effective.

Vinegar Spray Mix equal parts water and vinegar, spray it inside your shoes to kill bacteria, and let them dry for at least 30 minutes before wearing.

Note: This method may lighten and remove some colors, so be cautious.

Scent Mask Sometimes, simply adding a pleasant fragrance will do the trick. You can use citrus peel, tea bags, lavender, or other herbs. Place them in your shoes, especially around the toes and heel area, and let them sit overnight.

Quick Tips for Getting Rid of Shoe and Foot Odors

  • Make a sock filled with baking soda and place it on top of your shoes every night.

  • Sprinkle a teaspoon of baking soda in each shoe, shake well to ensure the powder reaches the tip and throughout the shoe, and leave it overnight.

  • Add some cloves to your stinky shoes. Place a handful of cloves in a cloth, tie it up, and put it in each shoe. Leave it for a few hours until the odor disappears.

  • You can do the same for your sock drawer.

  • After wearing your shoes, place a dryer sheet inside them. A sheet can stay in the shoe for about a week.

  • Put your shoes in a zip-lock plastic bag and place them in the freezer overnight. The freezing temperature will kill most of the odor-causing bacteria.

  • Break charcoal into small pieces, place it in an old pair of gloves, and put it inside your shoes.

  • Dry your shoes by placing them near a heater or in a sunny spot.

  • Remove the shoelaces and lift the tongue to help your shoes dry faster.

  • Drying your shoes helps prevent bacteria growth, which leads to bad odors.

  • Make a mixture of baking soda, baking powder, and cornstarch, and place it in cotton socks. Leave them inside your shoes overnight.

  • Salt is excellent for removing moisture, which kills bacteria in your shoes. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of salt in each shoe to improve the smell after a few hours.

  • Try soaking your feet in a solution of baking soda, soap, and a little white vinegar to help with foot odor. Vinegar is also a natural disinfectant.

  • Take a bag, fill it with baking soda, and add a few drops of tea tree oil. The baking soda absorbs odors, and tea tree oil will attract bacteria.

  • Spray a diluted mixture of 50/50 vinegar and water on the lining and sole of your shoes, then let it dry for 30 minutes. If you’re in a rush to dry your shoes, you can use a hairdryer.