Ghalibaf Calls on UNSC to Take Decisive Action Against Israeli Violations

Wednesday, August 14, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf called on the UN Security Council (UNSC) to take immediate action to stop the heinous crimes of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people.

Ghalibaf Calls on UNSC to Take Decisive Action Against Israeli Violations

According to SAEDNEWS, In a recent statement, Ghalibaf has made a passionate appeal for immediate intervention from the UN Security Council to halt the ongoing atrocities committed by the Israeli regime in Gaza. This conflict, he noted, is significantly supported by the United States and various Western nations.

In a letter addressed to the speakers of parliaments worldwide, Ghalibaf underscored the imperative for the UN Security Council to act decisively against the crimes perpetrated in Gaza. He stated, "Now 10 months have passed since the outbreak of war in Gaza Strip and continuation of massive crimes and intentional targeting of innocent Palestinian citizens shows the lack of political will of the occupying regime of Israel to end the devastating war and continuation of the humanitarian disaster in Gaza."

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, Ghalibaf specifically referenced the recent attack on al-Tabeen School, which tragically resulted in the loss of more than a hundred lives and left dozens of innocent civilians injured. He described this as "the savage and horrific crime of the Zionist regime" that exemplifies their "evil resolve to continue the war with the aim of ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip."

In light of these events, he urged the international community to take decisive actions, stressing the need to "stop such clear cases of aggression and repetitive violations of the sovereignty of countries." As the crisis in Gaza persists, the call for solidarity and justice gains urgency, and it is essential for global leaders to respond thoughtfully to this humanitarian disaster.