Saed News: In this sea, there's no need to paddle; the sea has no desire to swallow anyone.
According to the tourism service of Saad News, the Dead Sea is actually a lake in Jordan that has no outlet to the ocean and is fed by the Jordan River. The mineral and salt content of this lake is so high that drowning in it has become practically impossible. Typically, salt lakes have around 3.5% salt, but the Dead Sea has about 33% salt. The reason the water is so salty is because of the Jordan River, which carries large amounts of minerals and salt from the surrounding mountains into the lake. Due to the high temperatures, the water evaporates, increasing the concentration of minerals and salt in the lake. Because of this high concentration of minerals and salts, when you enter the water, you won’t drown. Even people who don’t know how to swim can easily float in this water.
As mentioned earlier, the Dead Sea has a higher salt content than all other salt lakes. The salinity of the water is so high that no living organism, including plants and aquatic life, can survive in it. Because of this and the absence of any signs of life in the lake, it has been named the Dead Sea.
The water of the Dead Sea could be called the elixir of nature. Even though life is practically impossible in this water, when you enter it and stay submerged for a while, the natural minerals in the water, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and even its salt, will work wonders for your skin and overall health. If you’ve ever heard of a mud mask, floating in the Dead Sea is like immersing your entire body in a mud mask. All the beneficial minerals that reach your skin from a mud mask are found in the water of the Dead Sea. Additionally, the Dead Sea is the best place to sunbathe and absorb vitamin D because it absorbs fewer UV rays compared to other places, so you don’t have to worry as much about sunburn.
As we mentioned, due to the high concentration of minerals and salt in the water, drowning is practically impossible. However, this doesn’t mean that the Dead Sea is completely risk-free. If you swim too far from the shore, the difficulty of moving in the water may prevent you from returning to shore. Prolonged immersion in these minerals can ultimately lead to poisoning and death. For this reason, it’s recommended that you never enter the lake alone and not swim too far from the shore. This way, if any problems arise, you can easily save yourself.
Despite the fact that the lake is called the Dead Sea because there is no life in it and it is difficult for plants and animals to survive, some plant and animal species can still be seen around it. These plants and animals are mutated species that either now require more salt or have learned to regulate the amount of salt they absorb from the lake. However, it’s important to note that these plants and animals do not live in the lake permanently.
On the land around the lake, you can observe various reptiles. Many migratory birds also use the lake as a resting station. Some plants near the Jordan River have adapted to the water of this lake. Overall, life around the lake is very scarce, but some living organisms can still be found.
Due to the crystallization of the abundant ions and isotopes in the lake, various shapes form on the surface of the water. These shapes appear in various forms and are usually so fragile that they either disappear on their own or are blown away by the wind. Nevertheless, many beautiful aerial photographs of these crystallized shapes on the Dead Sea have been taken. These shapes are one of the reasons the Dead Sea has become famous.
It is said that in recent years, the Dead Sea has shrunk significantly and has lost a large volume of water. One of the main reasons for this is the direct sunlight hitting the area, which causes a high rate of evaporation. In addition to evaporation, the amount of water flowing into the Dead Sea has decreased. To benefit various industries and agriculture, the amount of water entering the Dead Sea has been reduced.
This has led to a decrease in the water level of the Dead Sea, putting the lake at risk of drying up. It’s important to note that the high mineral content of this lake is due to the significant evaporation of water. However, if this process were to happen naturally, the Dead Sea would not dry up. But human activities that limit the water entering the lake have put it in danger. Environmentalists and scientists have gathered to find a solution to prevent the disappearance of this magical and extraordinary lake.
In this article, we got to know one of the most magical and amazing lakes in Asia, the Dead Sea. Due to the absence of any plant or animal life in the lake, it was named the Dead Sea. Although drowning in this lake is practically impossible, people can still get trapped in the water and may not be able to return to the shore. The water of this sea, containing over 200 types of minerals and salts, has many benefits and can be very good for the skin and overall health.
Unfortunately, this lake is currently at risk of drying up, and for this reason, tourists are advised to be mindful of its preservation when visiting the Dead Sea.