For the Fulfillment of a Wish, Reciting the Prayer of Lady Zaynab (PBUH) is Highly Effective, and You Will Learn More About It Below.
The Prayer of Lady Zaynab (PBUH)
Lady Zaynab al-Kubra (PBUH) was the third child of Imam Ali (PBUH) and Fatimah (PBUH), the first daughter, and one of the most remarkable and influential figures in the world of Islam. She was born on the 5th of Jumada al-Awwal in the 5th or 6th year of Hijra (after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, and two years after the birth of Imam Hussein bin Ali (PBUH)) in the Banu Hashim neighborhood of Medina. According to numerous narrations, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) chose the name Zaynab for Fatimah's (PBUH) daughter, which was revealed to him by the angel Jibril on behalf of Allah (SWT). The name "Zaynab" means a beautiful and fragrant tree or "Zayn ab," meaning the pride and ornament of the father. Her titles include "Umm al-Hasan," "Umm al-Kulthum," "Aqīla Banu Hashim," "Alima Ghayr Muʿallama," "ʿArifa," "Muʾaththaqa," "Fadila," "Kamila," "Abida Aal Ali," "Maʿsumah Saghra," "Aminat Allah," "Na'ibat al-Zahra," "Na'ibat al-Hussein," "Aqīla al-Nisa," "Shariqah al-Shuhada," "Baliha," "Fasihah," and "Shariqat al-Hussein." She is also known as Umm al-Masāʾib (Mother of Sorrows) due to the many hardships she endured in her life, such as the death of her grandfather, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the illness and martyrdom of her mother, Fatimah (PBUH), the martyrdom of her father, Imam Ali (PBUH), the martyrdom of her brother, Imam Hasan (PBUH), the tragic event of Karbala, and her captivity in Kufa and Damascus.
How to Perform the Prayer of Lady Zaynab (PBUH)
People perform various acts to fulfill their needs, such as making vows, reciting prayers, fasting, and seeking intercession from the Imams and Prophets. One of the things you can do to fulfill your needs is to recite the prayer of Lady Zaynab (PBUH). By seeking intercession from her, you can wait for your wish to be fulfilled. First, make your intention to perform the prayer for the fulfillment of your needs.
Perform two rakʿahs like the morning prayer.
Recite "As-salāmu ʿalayki yā bint Amīr al-Muʾminīn ʿalayh al-Salām wa Raḥmatullāh wa Barakātuh" 25 times.
Recite "Yā Ḥayyū Yā Qayyūm" 2,510 times.
Then, recite "Shafīʿah du-sarā bānūyat ʿIffah wa Ḥayā Zaynab, Hayā wa ʿIffah wa Nāmūs Kabīrā Zaynab, Bi-ḥaqqi Jaddihā wa Abīhā wa Walidihā, Bi-Pārā-yi Jigarī Mujtaba, Bi-Hāl Wadaʿ-i Ḥusayn-i tu fi Zohor Ashura, Bikhāḥajati ma rāt tu min Allah Zaynab (PBUH)" 14 times.
In some sources, it is stated that after reciting the prayer, you should perform the Tasbih of Lady Zahra 510 times by saying "Yā Ḥayyū Yā Qayyūm."
This prayer is very effective for fulfilling wishes, including for health, marriage, and children. It is highly recommended for those seeking assistance in these areas to perform this prayer with sincerity and devotion.
Virtues of the Prayer of Lady Zaynab (PBUH)
Reciting the prayer of Lady Zaynab (PBUH) is very effective for healing the sick, and performing it by the patient or their family can speed up the recovery process. The prayer is also effective for overcoming marital problems. For this, make the intention for marriage and recite the prayer for Lady Zaynab, and for 40 days, recite Surah Al-Fatiha 40 times daily and dedicate it to Lady Zaynab. Say: "By the right of Ali (PBUH) and Fatimah (PBUH), send me a good spouse."
This prayer is also recommended for those seeking children. To do this, after performing the prayer of Lady Zaynab (PBUH), recite "Yā Ḥayyū Yā Qayyūm" 510 times and then say "As-salāmu ʿalayki yā bint Amīr al-Muʾminīn" 69 times. Then, request your wish to have children from Lady Zaynab (PBUH).