US Remains in the Dark About Iran's Response Unaware of The Time Amid Rising Tensions

Tuesday, August 06, 2024  Read time1 min

SAEDNEWS: On Monday, US President Joe Biden convened with his senior national security team to address the tensions arising in the region due to the Israeli regime's actions.

US Remains in the Dark About Iran's Response Unaware of The Time Amid Rising Tensions

According to SAEDNEWS, Biden stated that he had been briefed on preparations to support the "criminal regime of Israel" should it come under attack, while Secretary of State Antony Blinken indicated that officials were working around the clock to prevent an escalation.

Blinken's comments come amid the substantial quantities of weapons and ammunition supplied by Washington to the Israeli regime over the past months, which are being used against the oppressed Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip, who have been enduring a brutal Israeli war since October 2023.

During Monday's briefing, Biden was informed that the timing and nature of an Iranian response to the Israeli regime remained unclear, according to BBC.

Earlier this week, Iran’s Intelligence Minister Esmaeil Khatib claimed that the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran was carried out with the "US green light to the Zionists."

He stated, "The cowardly assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, who was executed by usurping Zionists with the green light of the United States, once again revealed the Zionist regime's barbaric nature."

In a statement issued on Saturday, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps asserted that the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh was "designed and implemented by the Zionist regime and supported by the criminal government of America."

According to a statement from the IRGC, Ismail Haniyeh and one of his bodyguards were martyred after their residence in Tehran was targeted on Wednesday.

In response to the Israeli act of terror, high-ranking Iranian officials pledged to deliver a fitting response to the Zionist regime, with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei declaring that by assassinating Ismail Haniyeh, the Israeli regime has "prepared the ground for harsh punishment for itself."