The Majestic Sar Yazd Castle: The Oldest Safe Box in History

Sunday, August 18, 2024  Read time3 min

SAEDNEWS: Nestled near Yazd in Iran, Sar Yazd Castle is a historical fortress that stands as a testament to ancient architectural brilliance and strategic design. This blog post explores the castle’s history, architecture, and incredible function as a safe deposit box for belongings during times of turmoil.

The Majestic Sar Yazd Castle: The Oldest Safe Box in History

According to SAEDNEWS, Visiting historical attractions often leaves us in awe of the skill and ingenuity of our ancestors. One such marvel that deserves a place on your travel itinerary in Iran is Sar Yazd Castle. Located just outside the city of Yazd on the Yad-Kerman road, this extraordinary structure dates back to the Sassanid era and is not just a defensive fortress but one of the largest and oldest safe deposit boxes in history.

A Historical Overview

Sar Yazd Castle is an architectural gem that has weathered the sands of time. Built during the Sassanid era, it later saw renovations in the Safavid period (16th-17th century), which enhanced its grandeur. Initially, this stronghold was designed not for military purposes but as a secure location to safeguard the valuables and possessions of local inhabitants from invading forces. This unique feature has earned it the title of "the oldest safe box in the world."

Imagine the caravans that once travelled through the Central Desert with their precious cargo, knowing they had a sanctuary to protect their livelihoods. Even centuries later, the castle stands as a remarkable testament to ancient Iranian architecture, impressing visitors with its ornate structures and intricate designs.

A Closer Look at the Architecture

Spanning an impressive 8,000 square meters, Sar Yazd Castle has an elaborate design that incorporates 468 rooms, intricate geometrical decorations, and a multitude of towers. Constructed primarily from adobe, mud bricks, and stucco, its three floors rise magnificently against the arid backdrop, resembling a masterful oasis in the desert.

The entrance to the castle, located on the north side, is flanked by a deep moat that has historically served as the first line of defense against intruders. Upon entering, you are greeted by the hashti (entrance hall), leading to various doors that open into different regions of the fortress.

The layout consists of narrow alleys lined with houses—often featuring two or three floors—connected by slender adobe stairs. Each corridor branches into a series of chambers adorned with arched ceilings and geometric patterns. This complex design isn’t just visually captivating; it served a purpose, guiding the inhabitants to the necessary areas during an emergency.

The Functionality of the First Safe in the World

What truly distinguishes Sar Yazd Castle from other historical sites is its primary function as a secure repository for the local community. Designed to protect both property and food supplies, the castle features 468 individual chambers, each with its own door and key for residents. Unlike typical storage units, these chambers were designed for temporary refuge in case of attacks.

When invaders threatened, families could retreat to these fortified rooms, ensuring both their safety and that of their valuables. With features like fireplaces and wall ornaments, these chambers were far from mundane; they represented a lifeline during perilous times.

Advanced Defense System

Sar Yazd Castle's defense system is a marvel of ancient engineering. Starting with the moat that surrounded the castle, which was once filled with water, this feature acted as the first layer of protection. The next line of defense included concentric walls and towers, equipped with viewing slits and shooting holes for repelling attackers. These strategic architectural elements combined aesthetics and function, ensuring the fortress maintained its impenetrability over the centuries.

Particularly fascinating is the design of its main gate, which could be raised and lowered using ropes and pulleys—an engineering feat of the time. Behind this gate was a secondary entrance to further reinforce safety, demonstrating the lengths to which builders went to create a secure refuge.

Why Visit Sar Yazd Castle?

Visiting Sar Yazd Castle offers a unique glimpse into ancient Iranian civilization, showcasing not just its military strength but also its architectural innovation. The elaborate design, colorful history, and picturesque desert surroundings make it a must-see location for history buffs, architecture enthusiasts, and travelers alike. Walking through the winding corridors allows you to immerse yourself in a world where ancient customs met strategic necessity.

So whether you’re exploring the narrow alleys or admiring the stunning towers, Sar Yazd Castle promises an unforgettable experience, allowing you to connect with the past while basking in the beauty of Iran’s rich cultural heritage.


Sar Yazd Castle is more than just a historical site; it is a remarkable union of art, strategy, and community resilience. As you navigate through its intricately designed pathways and discover its storied chambers, you will find yourself living a piece of history that has captured the imagination of generations. Don’t miss the chance to experience this incredible fortress—the oldest safe box in the world—on your journey through Iran.