Propagate Roses with These 5 Different Methods!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A flower is an unforgettable but transient gift. No matter how much you care for a rose bouquet, these beautiful and precious gifts will only last for three or four days in your home. However, propagating roses and taking cuttings is one of the easiest ways to preserve these valuable gifts.

Propagate Roses with These 5 Different Methods!

Cutting is a simple method of propagating certain plants. Propagating roses through cuttings is one of the most common and best ways to multiply this beautiful and fragrant flower. This method is used for propagating roses in gardens and pots. Air layering and grafting are also methods for propagating roses in gardens. Additionally, rose propagation through seeds typically occurs in wild roses. Below are the various methods for propagating roses.

Rose Cutting Method Steps Paying attention to the timing and method of cutting, selecting healthy and strong cuttings, using a proper planting medium, and providing sufficient temperature and light are essential for rooting rose cuttings. The steps for cutting roses are as follows:

1. Selecting a Healthy and Strong Cutting
To select a suitable cutting, choose it from a healthy parent plant.
Cut the stem to a length of 15-20 cm using sterilized pruning shears or a sharp knife, making the cut just below the node (where the stem connects to the leaf).
The thickness of the cutting should be about the size of a pencil, around 1 cm or slightly more.
When choosing the cutting, remove the part of the branch with seven-leaflets (the lower part of the branch), and select the middle part with five-leaflet leaves.

2. Cutting Method
Cut the stem at an angle. It is recommended to make a wound on the plant to improve rooting.
Remove excess leaves, leaving only two to three top leaves.

3. Planting the Cutting
Plant two-thirds of the cutting into soil or a suitable growing medium. The best medium for propagating roses through cuttings is a mixture of sand and compost. Place the cutting in the soil so that the leaves are above the soil, and compact the soil around the cutting to secure it properly.

4. Caring for the Cutting
Rose cuttings need a moist environment to root. To achieve this, cover the cutting with transparent plastic to create a greenhouse effect and maintain the required moisture. Keep the cuttings in a place with temperatures between 20 to 22 degrees Celsius, and away from direct sunlight. The cuttings will need 7 to 8 weeks to root. After that (in about 3 to 4 months), the plant can be transferred to a main pot. Be careful not to damage the roots during the transfer.

Cutting Method Using a Potato
One trick for propagating roses at home involves inserting the cut end of the rose cutting into a small potato before placing it in the growing medium. This method helps provide nutrients from the potato's tissues, supporting better cutting growth. However, ensure that sanitary conditions are followed to avoid rotting of the potato and the cutting.

Air Layering Method for Rose Propagation For most rose types with long, soft stems, air layering is an easy and low-maintenance method of propagation. To do this:

  • Choose a branch free of pests and diseases, ensuring it has bloomed.

  • Remove thorns and leaves from the chosen branch, and make small cuts, less than 1 cm, just below the node on the stem.

  • Bend the branch into the soil, covering it with fertile soil.

  • Optionally, apply rooting hormone to the wounded area to accelerate rooting.

  • Cover the lower part of the branch with transparent plastic, and fill it with moss and wet compost to retain moisture.

In 3 to 8 weeks, roots will form on the stem after layering.

Grafting Method for Rose Propagation
The best grafting method for roses is the bud grafting technique, which is performed from early September to late October. The steps for grafting are as follows:

  • Choose a rose stem that has a flower or bud and separate it from the bush.

  • Remove the soft tip and unsuitable bud area of the stem.

  • The ideal part of the stem for grafting is the middle section with strong, prominent buds.

  • Using a grafting knife, make an upward incision about 15 mm below the bud, removing the bark, leaving only a small part of the wood beneath the bud.

  • Remove the leaves from the bud, leaving 1-2 cm of the petiole.

  • On the rootstock, make a T-shaped cut.

  • Insert the graft under the T-shaped cut, ensuring only the bud and petiole remain visible.

  • Secure the graft with grafting tape or plastic tape.

After 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the type of rose, the grafted bud will start to grow. In colder environments, this period may take longer.

Rose Propagation from Seeds
Wild roses typically propagate from seeds in their natural habitat. After the flower’s fruit ripens, it opens, and the seeds disperse. Rose propagation from seeds is uncommon in gardening, as it results in genetic variation. This method is primarily used for research purposes or for creating hybrid varieties. Seed propagation is also used for rootstocks in grafting. The steps for planting rose seeds are as follows:

  • Keep the rose seeds in a moist cloth inside the refrigerator at 2°C for 6 to 8 weeks, ensuring the cloth remains moist. You can place the cloth in a plastic bag.

  • After this period, plant the seeds 1 cm deep in the soil, covering them lightly with sand and watering them with a spray.

  • Keep the surface moist until the seeds germinate, and place the container in an area with temperatures between 16 to 21 degrees Celsius.

  • Germination may take from 1 to 10 weeks. Once the seedlings have 3 to 4 leaves, you can transfer them to separate pots.

  • Keep the pots near a window for the first month, gradually increasing the light exposure for the young plants.

Final Words
Therefore, the most common method for propagating roses is stem cutting and placing the cutting in a suitable medium for rooting. To propagate roses, you can use soft (green) cuttings in the spring and woody (hard) cuttings in the fall. Additionally, air layering and grafting are easy and hassle-free methods for propagating roses. I hope you have enjoyed the content about the types of roses and how to cultivate them. You can share it with others who are interested in flowers and plants. For more informative content, you can visit the lifestyle section of SaadNews. Thank you very much for your company.