Saed News: A question many women seek an answer to is, "How can I make my husband obedient to me?" I must say that not only is the answer to this question simple, but putting it into practice is also not very difficult.
According to the Family Magazine Service of Saed News, have you ever seen wives with obedient husbands who act on their request before it even leaves their mouth? These women are not lucky; they possess a skill called assertiveness in both speech and non-verbal behaviors, which allows them to express their logical needs clearly, respectfully, and confidently through body language.
Strategies to Make Your Husband Obedient to You
Unleash Your Potential:
Most people who realize their potential end up being successful in life. Most women who assertively request what they want and maintain communication boundaries with their husbands are familiar with this ability. The best thing in this world is to be yourself—simple, honest, and glorious.
Don’t Be Afraid to Express Your Needs:
Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and never be afraid to express your desires.
Be Careful How You Phrase Your Requests:
Speak firmly about your needs, but at the same time, express them with respect.
State your needs, desires, and feelings in the relationship clearly, openly, and without taking advantage of your husband's rights.
There is a fine line between assertiveness and aggressive behavior in marital relationships. Some people exhibit aggressive behavior towards their needs, desires, and feelings and violate others' rights. If both partners in a marriage fail to recognize this boundary, the relationship will experience tension.
Assertiveness is a specific type of behavior that helps us express our needs, emotions, and desires clearly, confidently, and without violating relationship boundaries. On the other hand, in this dynamic, neither partner tries to dominate the other.
Give Your Husband a Chance:
Give your husband a chance to speak and engage in a dialogue about accepting or rejecting your requests.
When engaging in conversation, be aware of your non-verbal and subtle behaviors. Make sure your verbal communication aligns with your non-verbal cues. For instance, if you say "okay, dear," ensure that your facial expression is not frowning. Think about your actions and gradually improve in this area.
Believe in Your Husband:
Most men, in a childlike manner, want their wives to believe in them. They dislike when their wives doubt their abilities (for example, in providing security, comfort, etc.). To make your husband feel understood, commit to having brief conversations with him daily about this.
Be Your Husband's Friend:
Adjust your relationship in a way that you are not only in love with him but also his best friend. To be your husband's companion for years to come, find ways to make him see you as a friend.
Take Care of Your Husband’s Instincts:
Try to enhance your abilities to respond to his needs and be the best responder in his mind. Buy provocative lingerie and sleepwear to entice him, and you'll see that he won’t be able to resist.
If he wants to try something, let him. If you don’t like something, subtly indicate it to him and, while complimenting his other actions, tell him how he can improve that particular action.
Talk at the Right Time:
Women who speak while they’re in the kitchen, trying to bombard their husbands with all topics at once, and men who are distracted by a soccer game or the news on TV, shaking their heads every now and then, will both eventually tire of this situation.
The result will be that the wife concludes that her husband is not a good listener, and thus she stops trying to talk to him or their conversations turn into arguments, with complaints like "You don’t listen to me," and responses like "You talk too much."
Change Yourself:
Change yourself and surprise him. Try to become someone new. Spend time on yourself. Go to the gym, visit the salon, and learn a new sport. With this approach, rest assured, he will be amazed and envious.